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(Last updated: March 2021)

This webssite uses cookies to keep users who can log in, logged in. Cookies are also used to customize content, and for navigation purposes. You can block cookies if you wish, but some functions (eg. navigation in numbered pages) will then probably not work as expected. You accept cookies if you continue to use our pages without turning this off in the browser first. To learn more about how we protect our visitors' information, please read our privacy statement


The content management system

A necessary cookie is stored for the publishing solution to work as expected. It is primarily used to keep users who can log in, logged in, and it helps, among other things, navigation through the content to work as desired. 

How to block cookies in the browser

In most browsers, you can easily block websites' ability to store cookies on your machine. For example Google Chrome has this explanation: If you use another browser / device, please check that browsers' documentation for the exact explanation on how to block cookies.